domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2011

Face to Face – Nov. 4th and 5th.

Blog Post 10

The Human Resource representatives presenting on Friday were honest and candid and this was appreciated.  Some of the advice was as follows:
·        When hiring a new employee make sure to check references.
·        When you become an administrator DO NOT to fall into the “paper work trap”.
·        Get into the classrooms often.
·        If you are going to talk to reprimand a member of your staff be open for them to take a representative with them.  Just make sure the staff member is the one answering the questions and not the representative.
·        When there are problems with a teacher or staff, ask the following questions: You can’t, you won’t or you do not know how?
·        When hiring a principal you are looking for an instructional leader and not a manager.
·        It is important to work on relationships with your staff.
CADA (California Association of Directors of Activities) had also useful activities that I may well use in my classroom and with the ELAC (English Language Advisory Committee) at  my work site.  The information provided on Saturday was excellent.  I now know much more about school finances. I like the following presenter’s statement, “If a school is failing financially, it is probably failing in every other way.”  It was overall a very productive weekend.  I am grateful Dr. Wise and Dr. Buster took the time to schedule such knowledgeable presenters.

5 comentarios:

  1. I agree that the presenters were all knowledgeable and helpful. I think that using the communication activity with the ELAC group would be very powerful.
    Nice to meet you and good luck!

  2. I agree that the weekend presenters provided very valuable information and they were very knowledgeable in their presentations. Great advice on Friday and very valuable information on school finances on Saturday. I really enjoyed our time together in our classes and enjoyed your friendship. I wish you the best of success in your future leadership path.

  3. I think we are getting great information in this class. I really like hearing from people who are actually dogng the job rather than reading about it. It is all very applicable and something I can use right away.

  4. I appreciate how useful this class has been. We have been provided with such a large amount of information that we will use for many years. Thanks for your post. Have a great three day weekend.

  5. I too enjoyed the CADA presentation Jeanette, Activities is such an important part of a schools culture and I am glad that is was not over looked. I liked what you brought up about the "Paper Work Trap", so often I worry that I will get bogged down with paperwork and not get out of the office. It will have to be something that as a leader will need to be before school and after students have left. Thank you for sharing. Megan
