domingo, 18 de septiembre de 2011

Blog Post #3

“Support begets support” How true is that!
If administration wants us to help out, but if we as teachers do not feel supported it is difficult to be motivated to volunteer and support their programs.  I am fortunate because my administration is very supportive. I attended the Advanced Placement (AP) Spanish Literature conference this summer. I donated a whole week of my vacation time, and did not get paid, but my school supported me by paying for the conference at a cost of over $1,000.00. This mutual support in return has helped me to be better prepared for my AP Spanish Literature class.  Although this is a very good a way to support a teacher, there are other ways I had felt supported by my school administration. For example, if a parent ever calls to complain, I know that my side will be heard too. I know that if I need materials for my class, my administration will try its best to provide those materials for my class.  Since we are in the process of developing our Professional Learning Communities (PLC) our department has been supported by providing substitute teachers to cover our classes in order for all the teachers in our department to work together.

3 comentarios:

  1. Hello Jeanette

    I'm excited that your district is beginning to implement the PLCs. Your district is showing their support in providing the time for training and preparation by providing you with subs. They are obviously sending you a strong message that they value your time and the importance in creating the Professional Learning Communities. Have a great evening and see you in class!!

  2. The support I feel at my school site is amazing. I agree that when we get parent complaints it's important that the admin team listens to both sides of story. The few minutes they take to talk with the teachers can make a huge difference. Great post!

  3. Without support from evey level we cannot do our jobs. If we try to do it all we will burn out and not be effective. PLCs are a great support but you must also have administrative support to make the PLC system work. Good luck on your journey.
