jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2011

Blog #13 – Final Blog

What an amazing ride!
I have learned so much from so many wonderful professors and have been inspired by the readings, books, lectures and guest speakers. I am so glad I decided to enter this program, it was without any doubt the hardest thing I have ever done, but it has also one of the most life rewarding. My lesson delivery at school has changed since I entered the program. My view of what it means to be a leader has also changed and my overall philosophy on education has been challenged. The mock interview was more like a coaching interview and I am very grateful. I found myself taking notes at the end of the interview. Once again, thank you to all of my professors at CSUF and to my colleagues from the Visalia and Sanger cohort.

viernes, 9 de diciembre de 2011

Blog #12 - Reflection on both Capstone paper and Personal Professional Growth Plan

Writing the Personal Professional Growth Plan made me realize that I do not have to wait to be an administrator in order be an educational leader. I have been trying to establish a Professional Learning Community (PLC) in my department. Unfortunately we have only been able to accomplish a common final assessment. Creating a Personal Professional Growth Plan will help me implement a PLC in my department. The Capstone paper was challenging. I first gathered information from DataQuest and found  demographics about my school.   I reflected on what programs are effective and what programs are not. Then, I was able to suggest some improvements. One of the suggestions focused on how to improve Latino parent involvement. As research has shown parent involvement is of utmost important for student academic success.  Our school offers PIQE which is a parenting education class for Latino parents. I believe this program should be offered every year and not every three years as it is now.